Saturday, October 25, 2008


I survived my Add Maths paper.
For the first time.

Okay, so I answered ALL the questions but I feel my answers aren't exactly right. Oh well, what am I doing in a science class anyway? If I super know that I'm so not gonna go into the science line...then why take it? Shoot. I don't even blame it on peer pressure. I call it SELF-PRESSURE!!!

I seem to have songs in my head while doing my exams, really. Oh yeah, and fantasies of Joe Jonas. Like during my Add Maths, I was humming "The Best Damn Thing" by Avril Lavigne like over and over...haha, it didn't drive me nuts. I seriously think that Avril is such a phoney but I dunno why her songs are quite addictive. Don't like her, but I end up singing to it. WEIRD. All you Avril fans out there, don't get so TOUCHY.. if you do, go learn emotional intelligence!

Then Joe Jonas popped in during Sejarah and I had to take a little break from that hardcore, useless essay that I was writing and just let him float around my mind. Thinking about his smile, his voice, his hair, his shoulders....okay, stop it, cessa!

I hate exams.
Sigh...I guess I have to live with 'em till death do us part!