Friday, October 31, 2008


Oh, finally it connected!

Yay, today is practically the last day of exam and only Sejarah ( paper 1 - no biggie ) and Bible Knowledge.
Then I'm FREE AT LAST!!!!

I'm gonna do lots of things after exam-despite studying for SPM next year (yawn...)- and I am SO NOT looking forward to attending "the other church". I mean, I have so many great friends over at KD and we have bonded so well and grown closer. Suddenly, I have to up and LEAVE!!! OHHHH....I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!

I don't like leaving people who have made an impact in my life. And I really think that I will not fit in as a youth in "the other church". When my dad announced his decision, I was like "NO WAY I'M LEAVING!!!!" but still being under their care and shelter, do I look like I have a choice????

My last Christmas in KD. After two years, I cannot bear the thought of leaving.
I just can't *weep*