Sunday, September 27, 2009


Service was awesome today. Apart from the incredible worship, the message by Uncle Selvam was equally good too. God will not leave us nor forsake us. I'll say Amen! to that.

Gosh, I feel so lonely. Wish I had someone to talk to. Its been so long since my mom yelled from downstairs to tell me that I have a phone call. Hmmmm...maybe I should proceed with my plan to migrate to the beach then perhaps I'll get more calls. Hehehehehe. Just kidding.

Its true what Mrs. Ganaser said during one Sejarah class back in form 4. "Theres a space in your heart that only God can fill". And I believe that she is so right. Looking back the past two weeks, God had been really great to me and I can see that I'm growing in my faith. Through the YF, BK class, morning prayer at school and the love, friendship and encouragement from the PAN MEE GANG, I have really increased in my faith.

The only thing I'm struggling with now is my studies. SPM is 6 weeks away and I'm so reluctant to drag my behind to the study table and STUDY! Do you know that before every study session, I sit down and pray so that I'll have full concentration? Mind you, it works!

I just completed 75 minutes of Physics. (which is a miracle!)

Oh well, got BM tuition today and have to psych up myself for a week of school because my test results are waiting for me!
Gotta blast!

-RANDOM- : Its been a while since I had pan mee soup.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I feel refreshed.
As much as it still hurts, nothing is impossible with God.
God is sovereign.

I'll study hard for the sake of seeing a smile on my grandfather's face and to praise the Lord as well.
I'll push harder and leave everything at His feet.
Nothing is impossible with God.

I won't give up. I will try harder. I will do it for the Lord.
I will have faith.

"And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ"
Colossians 3:23-24

Friday, September 25, 2009

Once Upon A Dream

Once upon a dream
When a young lover sat by the rain
Awaiting her beloved's return
Writing her verses of love
Wishing to be in his arms again

Once upon a dream
When a young lover sat by the mirror
Combing her soft luscious locks
Reminiscing the touch of his hand on each strand of her hair
That glorious evening together

Once upon a dream
When a young lover sat by the moonlight
Closing her eyes, imagining his eyes
of innocent brown
Wishing she could see them again

Once upon a dream
When a young lover sat under the sunshine
Loving the way he smiled at her
Like a thousand gleams of the sun
Wishing she could freeze that beautiful sight

Once upon a dream
When a young lover sat in the cold
Wishing the warm embrace of her beloved
And his soft assurring declarations of love
As she laid on his chest, as he stroked her hair

Once upon a dream
When a young lover smiled under the stars
When it was all just a dream
A perfect dream
Of a happy ever after

A channel of blessing

I think the best way to learn the scriptures is through debates and discussions with one another. During BK class today, we discussed Luke 19 and 20. At first, we read the passage and after that Ms. Sim explains it to us so that we'll get an idea of it. Once that was done, the girls and I started debating and discussing certain passages of scripture that almost took more than an hour. Through this, I've learnt so many things on why Jesus said and did what He did. I'm so inspire to study the Word more.

After our break, we suddenly talked about BGR. It was so unexpected because we were supposed to proceed to Luke 21. Although I won't tell you what we discussed since its P&C, I just felt this deep peace flowing through me, as some of you know that I'm going through a rough time now. Whatever Ms. Sim said really made sense and in my heart I was thanking God because He used Ms. Sim to speak to us, especially to me.

I really enjoyed BK class today because I found a new way to learn scripture. I just wished that the YF would do activities like this because we don't just learn from one another, but we also learn to listen to other people's point of view and in the process, we grow closer.
Its amazing how the Lord can really speak to us through people.

I went to BK with a wounded heart but I came back healed!
Although it will take time, I know God will ressurect the friendship and heal the wounds, so right now I'll just depend on Him and give my whole life to Him.

''Heaven and earth shall pass away; but My words shall not pass away"
Luke 21:33

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Answering the Call?

I think I know my calling in life already.
It was there all the while, just that I got distracted with what others wanted and what else I could do.
I'm a writer.

I love writing articles, stories, poems, memoirs, plays and diary entries of make believe people. Especially when Ms. Goh requested for the articles on relationships for the school magazine. While I was working on it, this nice peace just surrounded me and I could almost hear a voice inside telling me "This is what you're made to do".

Gosh, I sound so dramatic.

Plus, I'm quite a passionate person. When I put my heart into something, I give my all and just do it. Although I'm so inspired to write a novel now but I'm telling myself that SPM is just 5 WEEKS AWAY!!!! I wish I could put that same passion into my studies right now.

I imagine a lot. I'm just afraid that if people know my impossible imaginations, they might laugh, ridicule and think I'm crazy. Or like my dad, who thinks that "I'm living in denial".

Wow, my future is too bright.
Am I running away from it?

My phone's been confisticated.
I'm forced to stay away from my best friend.
SPM is just 5 weeks away.

I love my life!

Dear Miss Austen

Jane Austen...

Miss Austen, how I wish you were alive right now.
Cause I really need some good advice.
What everyone else is telling me, I just don't want to hear them.
I wish I knew what you had to say.

GOSH, I'M SERIOUSLY GOING MADDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If only you knew how much I miss you
If only you knew how sad I feel
If only I could just hear your voice again
If only this did not happen

If only I could run into your arms and just cry
If only you were there to wipe my tears and say
"Its OK, my dear. Everything will be OK"
If only we went back to the time when we were good friends

I miss You, Mr. Higgins
I really do

Sunday, September 20, 2009

SLYNG-ers. Pan mee posers??

Last Sunday all of us decided to wear red. (And for the first time, Josiah didn't rotate his shirt! Hahaha). Some photos:

This was really cute. Especially Sharma and Joanna.

One random day at Youth Fellowship. Photo taken by Aunty Fer.

We just had to hide the main POSER.

And suddenly, Samuel became a superstar! HEHEHEHE.

The poser strikes again!
Youth Fellowship is sooooooooooooooooo fun!!!
Although I wished I had a high-tech camera

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cure for the blues (results may vary)

I came up with this list to cure moodiness. Well, it worked for me so I decided to post it up:
CAUTION: Make sure you alert your family so that they don't have to worry if you need psychotherapeutic help ;-)

  1. Blast your music on top volume and DANCE!
  2. Call up your best friend :-)
  3. Eat an entire bar of your favourite chocolate (at least for once, don't care about the calories!)
  4. Annoy your sister by barging in her room and pressing her flabby arms. I somehow felt better (sorry, 'Chel!)
  5. Read the Bible
  6. Run around the house screaming at the top of your lungs!
  7. LAUGH.
  8. Disturb your mom while she's preparing for work. Take her highlighter, her pens, pencils and throw them around the bed than plop yourself on it.
  9. Do your favourite thing.
  10. Do 20 jumping jacks while listening to Planetshakers
  11. Eat a tablespoon of condensed milk.

If all else fails, then wallow in your moodiness for a while. After that, give yourself a kick on your behind and say "Life's too short for me to bash myself up and be all moody!"

No wonder I'm insane!

5SC2 - So Random LAH!!

This is my beloved class.
I'm so proud to call myself a 5Sc2-er!!
Look at those 33 beautiful smiles... they're gorgeous!

May we never forget one another and keep in touch.
Love you all!!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

More endorphins,anybody??

Judith showed me this
And up until now, I can't stop laughing!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Up, up and away!!

"Strength and self-respect are her clothing; She is facing the future with a smile"
Proverbs 31:25

I'm back on my feet.

The best part?
I got my best friend back

And I can indeed face the future with a smile.
Thank You, Lord for being there for me through every step.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My heart's cry

Right now, I feel so broken.
I feel a deep sense of loss.
I feel like going down on my kness and crying out to the Lord
"God, please restore the friendship"

I know it will take time.
It will take trainloads of faith.
I know it will take time to heal.
What a beautiful friendship we shared.

I feel so much pain.
I feel so much sadness to see the friendship on hold.
I feel so alone.
Like I have no one.

I feel like I have lost my best, best friend.
The God-sent friend I've always been wishing.
If we were of the same gender, WOW!!
We would have been lifelong buddies, true best friends.

I know its hard on him as much as its hard on me.
But I'm gonna be patient.
Because Love is Patient.
Its God's standard.

I will continue to look up to God for help.
He is the only one I have now.
I feel so alone.
I feel so broken.

I feel like as though my heart has been wrenched out, squeezed, ran over with a large tractor,
exploded with a bomb and stepped on a few times.
That's the extent of the pain I'm feeling.

My only cry to you O Lord,
"Please restore the friendship"
Even if it will take years and years and years.
I will wait.
And wait.
And wait.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A little broken but I'll be fine.
I thank God that He has placed special people in my life who build me up and will always be there whenever I need them. I also thank Him that I've received true and unconditional love from a special person He has placed in my life.

What I've learnt from this is that when you love someone, you just love them. You truly care for their well-being and that you place their best interests and their heart's desires above yours because you love them so much.
Love does not hurt but selfish ambitions do.
And that is the most important lesson I've learnt.

A part of me cannot forgive myself for breaking a delicate heart.
The other part tells me to "Be still".
God will come through for us and heal our broken hearts.

If its God's will for a union to happen in the future, then let it be done according to His will. I will submit and surrender my life totally into His hands for He is my Saviour and My Redeemer. I will serve Him wholeheartedly and die to my selfish ambitions.

1 Corinthians 13.
Is what true love is all about.