Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A little broken but I'll be fine.
I thank God that He has placed special people in my life who build me up and will always be there whenever I need them. I also thank Him that I've received true and unconditional love from a special person He has placed in my life.

What I've learnt from this is that when you love someone, you just love them. You truly care for their well-being and that you place their best interests and their heart's desires above yours because you love them so much.
Love does not hurt but selfish ambitions do.
And that is the most important lesson I've learnt.

A part of me cannot forgive myself for breaking a delicate heart.
The other part tells me to "Be still".
God will come through for us and heal our broken hearts.

If its God's will for a union to happen in the future, then let it be done according to His will. I will submit and surrender my life totally into His hands for He is my Saviour and My Redeemer. I will serve Him wholeheartedly and die to my selfish ambitions.

1 Corinthians 13.
Is what true love is all about.