Saturday, September 5, 2009

My heart's cry

Right now, I feel so broken.
I feel a deep sense of loss.
I feel like going down on my kness and crying out to the Lord
"God, please restore the friendship"

I know it will take time.
It will take trainloads of faith.
I know it will take time to heal.
What a beautiful friendship we shared.

I feel so much pain.
I feel so much sadness to see the friendship on hold.
I feel so alone.
Like I have no one.

I feel like I have lost my best, best friend.
The God-sent friend I've always been wishing.
If we were of the same gender, WOW!!
We would have been lifelong buddies, true best friends.

I know its hard on him as much as its hard on me.
But I'm gonna be patient.
Because Love is Patient.
Its God's standard.

I will continue to look up to God for help.
He is the only one I have now.
I feel so alone.
I feel so broken.

I feel like as though my heart has been wrenched out, squeezed, ran over with a large tractor,
exploded with a bomb and stepped on a few times.
That's the extent of the pain I'm feeling.

My only cry to you O Lord,
"Please restore the friendship"
Even if it will take years and years and years.
I will wait.
And wait.
And wait.