Sunday, September 27, 2009


Service was awesome today. Apart from the incredible worship, the message by Uncle Selvam was equally good too. God will not leave us nor forsake us. I'll say Amen! to that.

Gosh, I feel so lonely. Wish I had someone to talk to. Its been so long since my mom yelled from downstairs to tell me that I have a phone call. Hmmmm...maybe I should proceed with my plan to migrate to the beach then perhaps I'll get more calls. Hehehehehe. Just kidding.

Its true what Mrs. Ganaser said during one Sejarah class back in form 4. "Theres a space in your heart that only God can fill". And I believe that she is so right. Looking back the past two weeks, God had been really great to me and I can see that I'm growing in my faith. Through the YF, BK class, morning prayer at school and the love, friendship and encouragement from the PAN MEE GANG, I have really increased in my faith.

The only thing I'm struggling with now is my studies. SPM is 6 weeks away and I'm so reluctant to drag my behind to the study table and STUDY! Do you know that before every study session, I sit down and pray so that I'll have full concentration? Mind you, it works!

I just completed 75 minutes of Physics. (which is a miracle!)

Oh well, got BM tuition today and have to psych up myself for a week of school because my test results are waiting for me!
Gotta blast!

-RANDOM- : Its been a while since I had pan mee soup.