I came up with this list to cure moodiness. Well, it worked for me so I decided to post it up:
CAUTION: Make sure you alert your family so that they don't have to worry if you need psychotherapeutic help ;-)
- Blast your music on top volume and DANCE!
- Call up your best friend :-)
- Eat an entire bar of your favourite chocolate (at least for once, don't care about the calories!)
- Annoy your sister by barging in her room and pressing her flabby arms. I somehow felt better (sorry, 'Chel!)
- Read the Bible
- Run around the house screaming at the top of your lungs!
- Disturb your mom while she's preparing for work. Take her highlighter, her pens, pencils and throw them around the bed than plop yourself on it.
- Do your favourite thing.
- Do 20 jumping jacks while listening to Planetshakers
- Eat a tablespoon of condensed milk.
If all else fails, then wallow in your moodiness for a while. After that, give yourself a kick on your behind and say "Life's too short for me to bash myself up and be all moody!"
No wonder I'm insane!
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