Friday, September 18, 2009

Cure for the blues (results may vary)

I came up with this list to cure moodiness. Well, it worked for me so I decided to post it up:
CAUTION: Make sure you alert your family so that they don't have to worry if you need psychotherapeutic help ;-)

  1. Blast your music on top volume and DANCE!
  2. Call up your best friend :-)
  3. Eat an entire bar of your favourite chocolate (at least for once, don't care about the calories!)
  4. Annoy your sister by barging in her room and pressing her flabby arms. I somehow felt better (sorry, 'Chel!)
  5. Read the Bible
  6. Run around the house screaming at the top of your lungs!
  7. LAUGH.
  8. Disturb your mom while she's preparing for work. Take her highlighter, her pens, pencils and throw them around the bed than plop yourself on it.
  9. Do your favourite thing.
  10. Do 20 jumping jacks while listening to Planetshakers
  11. Eat a tablespoon of condensed milk.

If all else fails, then wallow in your moodiness for a while. After that, give yourself a kick on your behind and say "Life's too short for me to bash myself up and be all moody!"

No wonder I'm insane!