YF Rocks, man! HAHA. This picture was taken after worship practice. As you can see, all of us are pointing at Uncle Nie cause of his blur look - though the fact that Sharma shook the camera could have partly caused the blur.
And Josiah sesat cause he's pointing at us, crazy youths.L-R : Sheralyn, Joanna, Ping, Samuel, me, Rach, Alison, Uncle Nie. And Josiah at the back.
Oh well, that wasn't what I was gonna blog about. That was just sidetrack only.
Ps. David Goh preached today. Whoa, one of the toughest messages I've heard. I won't tell you what was it about but it caused quite a stirring.
Then came altar call.
At first I felt nothing. Just singing with my hands lifted up. But when I started praying in tongues, I boo-hooed major. Ask Josiah and Jess Kan ( who were beside me ), and they'll tell you. Then I saw this image in my mind. A large mirror was infront of me and I was looking at it and for the first time, I did not ridicule, condemn, annoy and crush myself because of what was staring back at me.
So many of you know that I have a problem with self-image.
I always compare myself to my sister cause she's so hot and all and everybody says she's a model, doll, cute, pretty, natural beauty, blah, blah, blah...
That there was one point in my life that I felt so crushed that I didn't like her and started treating her badly.
Gosh, I sound so shallow.
And I hate being shallow.
Then I started meditating on Proverbs 31:30 and told myself that hey, theres so much more to me than just looks! And today was the confirmation. God zapped ME!!
I don't have to look in the mirror and hate whats staring back at me.
I don't have to keep comparing myself to my sister.
I don't have to skip my lunches and dinners like how I used to.
I feel great. Thats why its so important to LET GO and LET GOD take control of our lives.
You can really see the changes, though it won't happen overnight.
Its one step at a time.
Oh yeah, I love YF! Like I said, WE ROCK!
The most comforting thing was that after everything, Jess Kan hugged me tight and didn't let go, which made me cry even more. Then Joanna joined in and it became a little group hug. You know, honestly, I have never experienced this kind of closeness before. Alison also came to comfort me. I felt so wanted and so loved. And Jess Kan said a prayer for me.
Then theres Josiah and Aunty Fer who also followed up with me. Thanks, guys!I'm really really beginning to tell myself that I do have true friends after all.
You're a new person.In God's eyes you're perfect.Eat when you're hungry, don't skip your meals.Proverbs 31:30 is a comfort.
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