Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've decided to continue writing my Peter Pan stories.
Probably because I miss Wendy too much.

Anyway, looks like I have to minimise my writings because after seeing how "well" I did for my exams, I will have to really really really study very hard and work my brains out for the next 4 months. The scary thing is that June is almost over!

My sister is so semangat to do well in her PMR. I asked her why and she said "I don't want to be embarassed because you did well and if I don't, people will think I'm dumb and why you did so so well and I didn't".

Haha, the power of an older sibling!
Besides, its not like she hides under the spotlight. Its me that gets compared to her when it comes to looks. Rasa kan, Rachel!
At least now you know how it feels like when people compare me and you!

Ok, that aside. I have to keep telling myself these words:

But I can't bring myself to study cause I'm a lazy garfield who hates to work hard for the things she's forced to work hard for.
I'm having it too easy these days.