Friday, November 6, 2009

Music comes Alive

My sister is such a darling!
You know why?? YOU KNOW WHY???? *forgive me for being so excited*
She fixed my piano music box.
Thats why.

My mom gave it to me last time and I used to play it whenever I wrote poems or short stories. All I had to do was open the lid and "Fur Elise" - Beethoven would play.
Then one day, this little girl (I won't tell you who she is cause many of you know her) came into my room when I was at school and played with it. And broke it. So it sat on my shelf for one whole year and I didn't know what to do with it.

Today, my SISTA found it and with her engineer brain, fixed it and it played beautifully. My sister is good at fixing things. Once she fixed our car's tail lights and our remote control.
That part she inherited from my mother's side of the family tree.

I added the hair brush for an old-fashioned romantic effect. My beloved music box!!!

If I had money, I would buy a cello music box that played "The Swan" - by Saint Saens. My second favourite composer. And I would buy a dancing ballerina music box that plays "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" - by Tchaikovsky.
Those two songs are my favourite classical songs.
Its so romantic and it allows my mind to dream the impossible.
THANK YOU, CHELLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!