Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jimmy was his name

Jimmy was his name
When we walked hand in hand
When everything was perfect
Almost too perfect that
It seemed like a fairytale

Jimmy was his name
When he kissed my cheek
Under the falling leaves
Dancing under the moonlight
Feeling the warmth of his embrace

Jimmy was his name
When he said those three words
Three words that made me twirl in the sky
Three words that made me feel invincible
Almost unstoppable

Jimmy was his name
When he called less and less
When he missed our late-night chats
Causing me to shield my heart
From his spears of hurt and uncertainty

Jimmy was his name
When he broke my heart into a thousand pieces
Ran over it like a tractor
Crushed every single nerve
Leaving me without a heartbeat

Jimmy was his name
When I finally realised that
I was stronger than I thought
That life goes on
More hopeful than it was before

Poet's note : Thank you, Jimmy for inspiring me and making me realise that when you love a person, you just love them with all your heart, you don't expect anything in return. That all you desire is to make the other person happy because you truly and genuinely love them. Thanks again, Jimmy! Hope you have a wonderful life!


Popp said...

Beautiful :)And sad...