My piano exam was horrible.
Don't ask me how it went 'cause you'll find yourself stuck with a mug of your already-cold espresso with a bored expression on your face hearing me droon about it. I probably won't stop talking till the next morning
So, the wise thing to do is to save yourself!
Deep down I know I have the gift of music 'cause I have a burning passion for it. My mom said that no matter what results I get, what counts is that I play music from my heart and that it comes within me. And I think thats important for a true musician. Cause music without heart is just aimless clanging cymbals!
My parents were awesome. On the way to the hotel, they were psyching me up and encouraging me. Especially me dad.
And although I came out of the exam room and told them EVERYTHING...
They still believed in me.
They still encouraged me.
They assured me that there was gonna be a next time.
Even my BFF was such a sunshine. He called me up just to see if I was OK and not breaking down in "sniffles and mucus". Cheered me up with his humour.
Till then!
" Life without music is like H2 without the O"
- Gershwin
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